Sunday, May 16, 2010

My first blog

Hi Friends,

This is my first blog. Though starting too late, there's a brighter side to it. As they say "Better late than never". I have been thinking about start writing blogs, as they are the best way to voice your ideas, concerns, and thoughts; but something (don't know what) was holding me all this time.

I have been following my dear friend Atul's and my brother Subhash's (Read: CHOTU's) blogs. Both of them are too good at expressing themselves; and Chotu, in particular is amazingly talented, innovative and expressive.

To tell you a bit more about myself (most of you would already be knowing), I am software professional, a die hard fan of Cricket (just like 90pc of us Indians); with keen interest in Indian Economics and politics.

With the above information, you can expect that my next post might be related to the T20 WC or about Mr Muthalik & Co.

Bbye for now.

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